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  • Checkmate: Who Really Wins In A Power Game? God Always Holds the Upper Hand

Checkmate: Who Really Wins In A Power Game? God Always Holds the Upper Hand

Life is comparable to a chess game, where each move represents a decision. The game begins with a set of rules and a blank board. When we come into this world, we're born with unique qualities and potential, but the choices and moves we make ultimately affect our lives and the lives of others.

No matter how much you've felt hurt, unfairly treated, or humiliated, it's possible to heal from your past and find happiness.

Take a moment to reflect on what the word "joy" means to you. For me, it signifies a sense of complete freedom, intense love and a deep connection with everything around us.

Humans were created to live joyful lives and be in harmony with nature – it's our true nature to do so.

Unfortunately, throughout many centuries, the desire for power and greed has influenced people's thoughts and emotions, leading to instances where people steal, lie and deceive to get what they want in order to rise to power; these individuals play the dirty game of life.

As time has continued to pass, the focus has shifted more towards continually gaining power over others, even extending to entire nations. However, the effects of corruption and power are limited and ultimately tend to collapse in on themselves.

In both chess and life, there are challenges and obstacles. Injustices and betrayals are similar to your opponent's moves in chess. When we experience moments of injustice, they can feel like intense cliffhangers, leaving us hanging on the edge of disbelief and shock. Yet, it's during these difficult times that we learn important lessons.

These experiences teach us the value of responding with love and good intentions, even towards those who may deceive or betray us. Ultimately, it's worth considering: Who really experiences the loss in such situations?

When we act out of love and honest intention, our conscience is clear. How we respond to the poor behaviour of others is a test of our resilience and faith. In the chess game, we learn from both the victories and defeats.Through navigating many challenges and injustices, we learn to approach life with greater wisdom and compassion.

Those who seek to extract from others deceitfully ultimately pay the price for their actions. So, in the grand game of life, it's not just about winning; it's about making honest and wise moves, learning from mistakes, and striving for a deeper connection to love within ourselves and the world around us.

The ultimate aim is to rise beyond the hurt, find joy, and achieve a sense of wholeness with ourselves, God and the universe. There comes a realisation that life's journey, much like a game of chess, is about more than just the destination; it's about the path we take and the valuable life lessons we learn.

The great thing about chess is it’s a game for oneself. You don’t work on what you can’t control, you just work on yourself. And I think if more people did that, we’d all be a lot better off.” – Daniel Naroditsky