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  • January Chills: Keeping The Inner Light Warm In 2024

January Chills: Keeping The Inner Light Warm In 2024

New Year intentions feel like a long time ago now. The warmth of the recent celebrations has cooled off as we face the chilly reality of January. 

The outside temperature may be sub-zero, but how warm is your heart feeling on the inside? Is the inner light within still burning brightly for 2024, or are you barely flickering? 

Something that keeps my inner light burning is faith, knowing God has a perfect plan already worked out for us, and all we need to do is hold firm to it. 

Trusting the right people come at the right time for the right reasons helps to cultivate a positive mindset. 

The Dark Days

Sometimes, a situation gets dire before we move to change our life circumstances. You see, God will break you down to “No-thing” if he has to. When he has broken you to nothing, you have no option but to seek Him for help. 

Deuteronomy 30:3  God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he'll have compassion on you; he'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered.


Why do some people say God is a concept? How is it possible to have a relationship with a concept? Living proof is in front of the eyes when we choose to open them. 

Over many years, I've studied, prayed, and meditated for wisdom. I cannot refute, despite my attempts, the spiritual gems found in the Holy Bible.

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

I used to pick up my bible to try and read it. I realise today that the heart and mind have to be ready for spirituality. 

There’s a perfect plan for the earth to look forward to; it is the promise of restoration. We are currently living in the last days as we see the earthquakes, wars, pestilence, and love for God grows colder. 

How do I know? Not only did God show me a vision, but we know it is a firm promise in the bible. 

As you read this trust you are supposed to, it is likely you are in the season of your spiritual restoration. 

Isaiah 65 17 For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.

January Tips

  1. Winter is a time of nurturing, and growth may not be seen yet, but never doubt the seeds you have planted.

  2. If you wrote down your intentions for 2024, now is a good time to read again, and restore your mind.

  3. Appreciate the beauty of winter, and use the extended time indoors to relax whilst you strengthen your inner spiritual knowledge.

  4. It is normal to feel more tired in the cooler winter months, and desiring more sleep is ok. Don't fight the natural urge to hibernate a little.

  5. Movement and exercise are still important and although the inclination is not as strong, it will help to keep your mind and body feeling refreshed. Even if you only do 15 minutes a few times a week it's better than nothing at all.

  6. Lack of vitamin D is common in winter due to the lack of sunlight. Read about the immense benefits of vitamin D 👉HERE

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