Love Is All We Have Left

A gentle poem and reminder to turn our hearts to love in all our endeavours

The blues, the down times and the sadness always leads to inner healing and growth. Allow yourself to feel and move all the energy of raw emotion associated with loss and grief as part of the healing journey. Eventually, after some time, you will discover you are able to smile again.

Love is all we have, when you depart

Scented roses linger

Memories from the heart

All that I have is the fragrance of you

Fading remnants of a love held dear

Fresh petals left to wither

That's all I have to show

Letters on a page, a note to self

Echoes of your presence

You're gone, now left behind

Standing on shore, yearning for more

All I have are petals of you

To carry your grace

The fragrant essence, now a breeze in the air

Tender whispers of your love and care

Tears in the shower, they wash away

Gone with the wind, in my heart they stay

Love is all we have

It stays fresh in my heart

A flame, until I depart

Poem by Lisa Precious all copywright reserved